Monday, September 30, 2013

This is an update on my current Action Research Plan.

Action Research Project Title: How does the web-based math program Think Through Math deepen students’ understanding of important math concepts and is it as beneficial for LEP students?

I presented my Action Research Plan to the two 4th grade Math teachers and they agreed to participate and provide the data I need from their students to successfully complete my action research plan.  I helped the two participating teachers to schedule lab time for their classes in order for them to complete the Think Through Math computer program.  The teachers and I sat down and discussed each students’ current math level and had the students take the adaptive placement assessment through Think Through Math.  Based off of the students’ results on the adaptive placement assessment and their STAAR math results from last year we created a “grade-level pathway” for each student.  Students completed my survey about their previous involvement and perceptions of Think Through Math.   The two participating teachers allowed me to interview them and answered my questions about their perceptions and experience with Think Through Math.  Both have used the program before and like how they get immediate data and feedback on each of their students’ progress through the Think Through Math program.  They were both hopeful that the individualized learning “pathway” designed by the Think Through Math program for each student would prove to be beneficial and help supplement their teaching.  As our 1st 9 weeks comes to an end I will be gathering and reviewing the students’ 1st 9 weeks Unit tests, math grade and performance data from Think Through Math to assess whether Think Through Math has been beneficial thus far.  I will share my findings with their respective Math teacher and decide if we need to alter their learning “pathway” assigned to them by Think Through Math.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Updated Action Research Plan

Thanks to everyone who had such great comments on my action research plan.  I made a few changes including: changing the participants to only 4th graders, added STAAR results to my evaluation column, and added my interview questions for the participating teachers.  I look forward to being my action research project and finding the results to my inquiry. 

Cassie Koehler's Action Research Plan
GOAL: How does the web-based math program Think Through Math deepen students’ understanding of important math concepts and is it as beneficial for LEP students?
Action Step(s):
Present Action Research Plan to 4th Grade Math Teachers
Cassie Koehler
August 19, 2013-August 23, 2013
Sign up sheet
Sign up sheet is created with 4th grade Math teachers along with their class lists
Schedule Lab Time for Think Through Math
Cassie Koehler
August 19, 2013-September 13, 2013
Computer Lab sign up calendar
Completed calendar
Determine students’ current math level
Cassie Koehler,
4th grade Math teachers
August 27, 2013-September 6, 2013
Class rosters,
Adaptive Placement Assessment from Think Through Math (online), previous year’s STAAR results for each student
Data compiled from the students’ results on the Adaptive Placement and previous year’s STAAR results
Create “grade-level pathway” for each student
Cassie Koehler,
4th grade
Math teachers
August 27, 2013-September 6, 2013
Adaptive Placement results for each student (online)
Think Through Math “assigns appropriate precursor lessons into the student’s individual pathway”
Survey students
Cassie Koehler, 4th grade students, 4th grade Math teachers
August 27, 2013-September 6, 2013
Student Survey on
Completed student survey summaries
Interview 4th grade Math teachers
·         Have you used Think Through Math before?  If so, how many times per week?
·         What are your opinions of Think Through Math as a reliable resource for additional math assistance?
  • Will you take my findings into consideration when deciding whether to use this program in following years?
Cassie Koehler, 4th grade Math teachers
September 3, 2013-September 6, 2013
Interview Questions
Completed interview summaries for teachers
Gather and review 1st 9 Weeks data for 4th grade Math, share findings with their teachers
Cassie Koehler, 4th grade Math teachers
October 18, 2013-October 25, 2013
For each student:
Unit tests, math grade for 9 weeks, performance data from Think Through Math
Spreadsheet for each student is completed
Gather and review 2nd 9 Weeks data for 4th grade Math, share findings with their teachers
Cassie Koehler, 4th grade Math teachers
December 20, 2013-January 8, 2013
For each student: Unit tests, math grade for 9 weeks, performance data from Think Through Math
Spreadsheet for each student is completed
Gather and review 3rd 9 Weeks data for 4th grade Math, share findings with their teachers
Cassie Koehler, 4th grade Math teachers
March 21, 2013-March 28, 2013
For each student: Unit tests, math grade for 9 weeks, performance data from Think Through Math
Spreadsheet for each student is completed
Gather and review 4th 9 Weeks data for 4th grade Math, share findings with their teachers
Cassie Koehler,
4th grade Math teachers
June 5, 2013- June 12, 2013
For each student: Unit tests, math grade for 9 weeks, performance data from Think Through Math, STAAR test results for current year
Spreadsheet for each student is completed
Analyze and Interpret Data
Cassie Koehler
June 12, 2013- July 12, 2012`
Think Through Math performance data, Students’ spreadsheets
Data reports with combined results from students’ grades, Think Through Math and STAAR test results
Share results with administration, provide recommendations
Cassie Koehler, Mrs. Moreno (Principal), Mrs. Flack (Assistant Principal), Mrs. Shelnutt (Instructional Coach)
August 4, 2013-August 15, 2013
Data reports
Summarization of administration’s thought and opinions over the findings and their consensus about the value of Think Through Math

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Action Research Plan


GOAL: How does the web-based math program Think Through Math deepen students’ understanding of important math concepts and is it as beneficial for LEP students?

Action Step(s):




Present Action Research Plan to Math Teachers 3rd-5th
Cassie Koehler
August 19, 2013-August 23, 2013
Sign up sheet
Sign up sheet is created with participating teachers and
their classes listed
Schedule Lab Time for Think Through Math
Cassie Koehler

August 19, 2013-September 13, 2013
Computer Lab sign up calendar
Completed calendar
Determine students’ current math level
Cassie Koehler,
Math teachers 3rd-5th
August 27, 2013-September 6, 2013
Class rosters,
Adaptive Placement Assessment from Think Through Math (online)
Data compiled from the students’ results on the Adaptive Placement
Create “grade-level pathway” for each student
Cassie Koehler,
Math teachers 3rd-5th
August 27, 2013-September 6, 2013
Adaptive Placement results for each student (online)
Think Through Math “assigns appropriate precursor lessons into the student’s individual pathway”
Survey students
Cassie Koehler, 3rd-5th grade students, Math teachers 3rd-5th
August 27, 2013-September 6, 2013
Student Survey
Completed student survey summaries
Interview participating Math teachers 3rd-5th
Cassie Koehler, Math teachers 3rd-5th
September 3, 2013-September 6, 2013
Interview Questions
Completed interview summaries for teachers
Gather and review 1st 9 Weeks data for Math 3rd-5th, share findings with teachers
Cassie Koehler, Math teachers 3rd-5th
October 18, 2013-October 25, 2013
For each student:
Unit tests, math grade for 9 weeks, performance data from Think Through Math
Spreadsheet for each student is completed
Gather and review 2nd 9 Weeks data for Math 3rd-5th
Cassie Koehler, Math teachers 3rd-5th
December 20, 2013-January 8, 2013
For each student: Unit tests, math grade for 9 weeks, performance data from Think Through Math
Spreadsheet for each student is completed
Gather and review 3rd 9 Weeks data for Math 3rd-5th, share findings with teachers

Cassie Koehler, Math teachers 3rd-5th
March 21, 2013-March 28, 2013
For each student: Unit tests, math grade for 9 weeks, performance data from Think Through Math
Spreadsheet for each student is completed
Gather and review 4th 9 Weeks data for Math 3rd-5th, share findings with teachers
Cassie Koehler,
Math teachers 3rd-5th
June 5, 2013- June 12, 2013
For each student: Unit tests, math grade for 9 weeks, performance data from Think Through Math
Spreadsheet for each student is completed
Analyze and Interpret Data
Cassie Koehler
June 12, 2013- July 12, 2012`
Think Through Math performance data, Students’ spreadsheets
Data reports with combined results from students’ grades and Think Through Math
Share results with administration, provide recommendations
Cassie Koehler, Mrs. Moreno (Principal), Mrs. Flack (Assistant Principal), Mrs. Shelnutt (Instructional Coach)
August 4, 2013-August 15, 2013
Data reports
Summarization of administrations' thoughts and opinions over the findings and their consensus about the value of Think Through Math